Expansion and unique ID

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Posts: 4
Joined: 16 Oct 2012, 07:31

Hey guys,

I've got some questions about the Meta Model.

1) I read a lot about the External Repository Instance Reference. Is this the unique ID to which it is possible to refer to when importing data into essential? I already managed to import data through mapping an excel file into a xml file using the essentialreportxml.xsd.
When I try to connect an Application to a Business Process it looks like this:

<value value_type="simple_instance">BusinessPro1</value></own_slot_value>

By doing that I get an error that the Instance Reference doesn't exist, although it does.
I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong but at the moment I create the External Repository Instances Reference myself. Applications, for example, look like App_0001 and so on. I do that in the excel files and finally map it to xml. Is App_001 my unique ID within essential?
Why does Essential not create unique IDs automatically?

2) Is it possible to create fields manually? When you look at the Application class, you see Stakeholders, Synonyms and so on.
Now I want to add some more fields for myself, like internal attributes or so. Is that possible? Where do I have to look at?

Hope you can help me. Thanking you in anticipation.
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Posts: 452
Joined: 16 Feb 2009, 13:45

Firstly apologies for the delay in responding - this post failed to show in our queue so we missed it.

I hope you've made some progress on this but just in case you haven't here's a brief response. Let me know if you'd like some detail...

1. External Repository Instance Reference refers to an id used to keep a reference between instances that exist in an external data source (e.g. a cmdb) and instances in Essential. This allows us to update instances (rather than create new ones) when we import updated data from the same source.
Your xml fragment is incorrect. You can find details of the required XML structure on this page
http://www.enterprise-architecture.org/ ... ew-reports

2. It's fairly straightforward to create new slots on existing objects and we'd strongly recommend extending (i.e. creating new ones) rather than changing existing ones. You can create slots from the Classes tab. If it's not visible, then you can show it by clicking Project > Configure > Clses Tab. There are a range of options for slots (text, boolean, etc) - simply choose the most appropriate for your scenario.

Again our apologies for the delay. I hope you're getting some value from Essential and we'd love to hear more about what your doing. Let me know if you need any further detail on the point above and we'll try to help


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