Current Architecture & Future Architecture

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Posts: 16
Joined: 01 Mar 2022, 09:52

Dear reader,

I have a question that probably serves a wider audience as multiple organizations will have a target architecture besides having a current architecture. In my case, the current architecture is of course the status quo, so all things in Essential and the relation of these 'things' to one another.

Yet we also have a future (or target) architecture which is quite different from the status quo. This meaning that there are different 'things' on top of the existing things and that the relation between these things can be different from what is true for the status quo architecture.

My question to you is: How would you suggest to leverage Essential in order to accommodate for both the current architecture as for the future target architecture?

This because I can imagine that it would become quite messy if it is all in the same repository.

Many thanks and best regards,

Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Hi Carlo,

We use strategic plans to do that. Define your plans and associate the elements impacted by those plans, so 'we will retire Applications X & Y in December 2023 as part of the IT Rationalisation plan'.

Once you have strategic plans, with a number of views you will see a bar appear - it will only appear if you have plans for the elements in the view and the application catalogue is one example. The view will filter out elements that are retired or not yet created, if you change the date in the toolbar then you can roll the clock forward/back to that date, and it will amend the view to reflect that point in time, or there is a 'play' button which moves the view forward in 6 month increments, so things start to change in the view dynamically. This lets you capture several states in Essential and show the architecture now and in the future.

To load strategic plans and associate elements, use the Strategic Plans Creation sheet in Launchpad Plus (View Library > Launchpad Plus).

Hope that helps, any problems let us know

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