Importing a large number of projects

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Posts: 26
Joined: 01 Jun 2018, 14:16


I need to upload a long list of initiatives that range from ideas to approved projects and for the latter, elements that are in different states of execution, like not started, ongoing, and completed.

I thought I'd be able to use the Launchpad to do the upload but I could not find a tab for projects. How can I do that? Is there a version of the Launchpad to do that?

PS: I'm actually using the Open Source version, but I think the Launchpad is the same for both the OS and the Cloud versions.

Many thanks in advance for your guidance!

PS: Similarly, I'd like to import into the database the relationships between initiatives and other entities in the metamodel, like goals and objectives, affected OUs, business processes, applications, technologies, etc.

Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Hi Alex,

sorry for the delay, there's no import at the moment, I'll ask if we have anything.

Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Sorry for the delay on this. I spoke to the team and they say use Launchpad Plus Loaders (View Library > Support). Look for the Strategic Plans Creation download.

Download that spreadsheet and import spec and just complete the Programmes and, Projects sheets, ignore the rest, use the import spec to create the data load and untick the other sheets.

Plans have objectives tied to them and you can link those to implementing projects if you wish
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