Business Process: Performed by Organisation vs. BP Performed By Business Role vs. Stakeholder

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While modeling a BP and comparing what is displayed in the viewer I came across a few slots that seemed to address the same kind of information when it comes to ownership and performing the BP, or at least it looked like it.

I was asking myself what is the (intended) difference:

1.) between the slot "Performed by Organisations" and "Business Process Performed By Business Role"

and 2.) between "Business Process Owned by Business Role" and a Stakeholder classified as "Process Owner"

in the Business Process class?

And which of these will affect what part of which report?

Is there any documentation available to this regard? The parts I came across didn't really explain which part of the model affected which views and how, or vice versa, a function explaining how certain parts of a report are calculated.

Many thanks and best regards
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Hi Martin,

1.) between the slot "Performed by Organisations" and "Business Process Performed By Business Role"

I understand the confusion here and perhaps we could have labeled these slots slightly better.

Business Process Performed By Business Role - this slot looks for a logical Business Role for example a Business Analyst

Performed by Organisation - this slot looks for a Physical Process and defines who (Actor) performed the process (Business Process) and where was it performed (Site). It represents what actually happens i.e. the implementation. For example the UK Regional Finance Team (group actor) perform Create Monthly Budget (process) in the London Office (site).

2.) between "Business Process Owned by Business Role" and a Stakeholder classified as "Process Owner"

Similarly here is the logical / physical separation

"Business Process Owned by Business Role" looks for a logical Business Role (e.g Operational Risk Manager) to define what role *should* be the owner of the process.

With the Stakeholder classified as "Process Owner", this is looking for an actual person or team. For example, John Smith as a Process Owner. In this scenario, John Smith might (or might not) be a Operational Risk Manager

In the Business Process Summary

Business Process Performed By Business Role appears in the section marked performed by roles

Business Process Performed By Business Role appears in the section marked Implementing Processes

Business Process Owned by Business Role is not currently shown on the view. This often suggests it's a rarely used slot but I'll fed this back to the team and see if we can get this added in a future release.

Stakeholder classified as "Process Owner" *should* appear in the Stakeholders section but having just checked it looks like this section might be missing from the current version on the view. I'll check this with the team and get this added in the next release. This should be there.

I hope this helps clarify. Let me know if you have any other questions on this,


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Thanks Neil for clarifying this.

What about the Flow view? It seems there is only one role performing the step being displayed in the diagram, but many roles can be assigned in the model.

What is the rule the view uses to choose which role is being displayed in the diagram in each step?
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I've just check this and on the flow diagram the role is populated by the slot "business_process_owned_by_business_role".


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Is a schema, diagram, or other visual representation available that identifies relationships within and between the four layers (business, application, etc.)? This would make it so much easier to understand relationships and potential impact of changes.
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Our Meta-Model documentation will likely contain the information you're looking for ... meta-model


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