Automatic Back-up or Backup strategy?

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Posts: 5
Joined: 28 Jun 2019, 20:58


Our organization is fairly new to using Essential Cloud and currently are manually taking snapshots to create back-ups once a week and keeping the most recent 3 copies.
Is there a way to automate taking backups / snapshots?

What are other organizations using for a back-up strategy?


Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Hi Brendan,

At the moment there is no automation, it is on our backlog but there are some questions we are kicking around, namely:
1) What is the rollover process? how long do we retain before we overwrite?
2) What if people have golden copies that they want to retain longer and not rollover?

Any views would be helpful.

On your question around how people do this - typically, we see snapshots prior to any major change and also either weekly or monthly snapshots.

A number of people also take a monthly download of their Production repository as Protege file and store that outside the Essential platform

Hope that helps

Posts: 5
Joined: 28 Jun 2019, 20:58

Thank you,

As mentioned we have been doing weekly snapshots but i also really like the idea of less regular downloads as a protege file.

As for your questions I don't know how feasible this would be, but one idea we discussed here that we thought would work for automation would be to make it a configurable setting in terms of how often to take back-ups but only a pre-set number of back-up slots.

For example users could select an automated backup schedule (ie daily, weekly monthly etc) and it would only keep a limited number of copies such as 3 or 5 that was predetermined and not adjustable by users. If they wanted to flag one as a gold copy that would lock one of their existing slots and reduce the number of copies that were kept from being overwritten.
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