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Rationalisation - exercise

Posted: 27 Aug 2021, 08:19
by Rajaraman
I am going through candidate views of essential in achieving rationalisation output/outcome for an organisation.

Depends on the maturity of the organisation we should (or shall we?) start either attacking the problem in two places

1. IT Asset Dashboard (Business Perspective) - It is the bare minimum simplest way of arriving at duplication of applications through application services.

2. Application Rationalisation Analysis - this -> ... t&cl=en-gb
This one more exhaustive way arriving at duplication applications (Ofcourse this analyse multiple fronts before arriving the list)

Can you point to me a meta model diagram for (2), like what are all the objects should be populated.

Also i donot see a match between those two views/result even though both recommends/displays outputs for the same purpose
for example contract management and compliance shown as RED in IT Asset Dashboard but where as in Rationalisation Analysis it is not using those data, it is not showing as RED.

Does this mismatch/different defeat the purpose?

Can you help me to understand why it is so, and if the management point out this, what answer should we give as an EA?

Also am i missing any other place views, attacking the same problem/objective that i did not see?

Appreciate your time and help.
