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Data representation in app_data_summary.xsl

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 21:03
by cgauri
Hi Jonathan,

The app_data_summary XSL has a “Data Managed by Application” section that gives details of the data representations managed by the application.

<xsl:variable name="persistedInfoStores" select="$allInfoStores[pro:own_slot_value[pro:slot_reference='deployment_of_information_representation']/pro:value = $persistedApp2InfoReps/pro:own_slot_value[pro:slot_reference='app_pro_to_inforep_to_inforep']/pro:value]"/>

In the XSL code lines above, the persistedApp2InfoReps variable refers to the APP_PRO_TO_INFOREP_RELATION instances. On this class, the slot 'app_pro_to_inforep_to_inforep' has instances of Type “Information_Representation”. However, this is being compared to the slot 'deployment_of_information_representation' on Information_Store, which is of type “APP_PRO_TO_INFOREP_RELATION”. Since these instances are of different types, we get no results in the section, even when there is data.

I changed this code to compare the slot 'deployment_of_information_representation' on Information_Store to persistedApp2InfoReps frame id, and can now see the data representations:

<xsl:variable name="persistedInfoStores" select="$allInfoStores[pro:own_slot_value[pro:slot_reference='deployment_of_information_representation']/pro:value = $persistedApp2InfoReps/pro:name]"/>

A second issue is in case of an application with multiple environments (dev, test and prod), we see the same data representation multiple times. The “Data_Details” template is invoked for all instances of persisted data objects for that application, and in case of multiple environments, there would be multiple persisted data objects for the same data representation (one for each environment). I was wondering if this behavior is intended (to display all physical data objects), or if it should be changed to display a data representation only once.


Re: Data representation in app_data_summary.xsl

Posted: 13 Jul 2011, 22:10
by jonathan.carter
Hi Charu,

Thanks for posting about this.
On the Information Store, we recently discovered that there is a bug in the meta model on this relationship to the Information Representation.
I'm going to post a new topic to capture all the issues with the Information and Data Pack - we'll give it a couple more weeks to catch anything further and then issue the fixes.

On the second issue, I believe the intention is to display all the Physical Data Objects. I'll check this with the team and get back to you

