How To Create Dev/QA/Prod

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Posts: 1
Joined: 24 Sep 2018, 18:55

I understand that models are developed in protege.

How can I publish different versions of models into the Viewer? Is there a way to select from simultaneous versioned models in the viewer, or must I create a new instance of the viewer in tomcat? Is there a procedure that explains this (or shall I just re-run the install to a new target location (file based) and re-publish there).
I looked around the documentation, but could not find this topic.

Additionally, when I publish a model to the viewer, does it totally replace what was there before (other than the launchpad that may have been copied to webapp) earlier?

Thanks in advance for any hints.
Posts: 485
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19


In Essential OS you need to have a new instance in your webapps folder (so yes rerun the install with a different location) and when you publish, point protege at the viewer you want (note: this doesn't apply to Essential Cloud users - they just need to select the viewer to publish to).

Publish overwrites the all previous data, so we recommend taking backups at key points.

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