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No data in the info_catalogue_by_domain report

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 16:27
by cgauri
The new information/info_catalogue_by_domain.xsl report in the Information and Data pack shows no information objects.

The XSL report loops through all the business domains, and for each business domain it looks up the contained “sub-domains”. It then goes on to list the information catalog for the sub-domains only. In our scenario, since none of our business domains have sub-domains, therefore no is data visible on the report.

I updated the report to use $allBusDomains instead of $subDomains and now it shows all the info objects:
<xsl:apply-templates mode="Business_Domain" select="$allBusDomains">

Is there a reason to use the subdomain list instead of all the business domains, or is this a bug?


Re: No data in the info_catalogue_by_domain report

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 18:00
by jonathan.carter
Hi Charu,

I think this is basically the same issue as your previous post.

Thanks again for pointing this out - we're looking at how best to resolve this.
