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Reporting questions.

Posted: 01 Feb 2011, 19:51
by EAJoe
I am making nice progress populating my metamodel, I am going to do a presentation of reports in viewer and I have a couple questions:

- It would be great if I could link my Processes defined in essential with a sharepoint that contains the process diagrams visios/could be pdf's also. I've entered a url in the "enternal reference link" section, but this does not seem to be in any of the standard reports?

- Also in Process area, if I put more than one capability in the "Realises Business Capability" section, this breaks the process detail reporting. My question is, is this by design? I can certainly work around it, but I'm trying to reconcile processes developed by someone else, without any real function (capability) decomposition.


Re: Reporting questions.

Posted: 02 Feb 2011, 21:13
by jonathan.carter
On the external references you're using them correctly but we have not yet had a chance to implement the required query in the standard views.

I know that some other members of the community have add the required query and HTML to their own views.

We will be releasing a new template into the common utilities that will then be called from the relevant out-of-the-box Views. Most likely, these will render a small div with the names and links to the external references defined on the instance in question.

In the meantime, have a look at ECP 3.2, where Kevin from the Community has contributed some View code to render the links.

On the other question: when you says breaks the process detail reporting, do mean that the core_bus_proc_def.xsl View fails with an error? Or does the View work but with bad rendering / rendering faults?

The behaviour is certainly not by design but the ability to define a Process realising more than one Business Capability is new to the meta model, so it's most likely that this is a bug in the View.

If you can confirm which View is breaking and in what way, that would help in resolving this as quickly as possible

Thanks for letting us know about the problems, it helps us to prioritise the work-stack!
