Too Many Tags Error on generated Launchpad Export File

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Posts: 15
Joined: 31 May 2023, 20:13

When generating the lauchpad export file (XML) with Essential Viewer 6.18 based on an Essential Repository with Metamodel 6.18, the viewer generates an XML file accordingly. But when I'm trying to open it with Microsoft Excel 365, it throws an error message saying: too many tags.
Any hint how to circumvent this error ?
Here is the log-file from Excel:

Code: Select all

XML ERROR in Workbook Setting
REASON:	Too many tags
FILE:	C:\Users\imbuc\OneDrive - Bayer\Personal Data\launchpad_export_finance.xml
GROUP:	Workbook
TAG:	Worksheet
VALUE:	Technology Products
It looks like there is more than on worksheet with the same name (duplicate)
Thanks in advance,

p.s.: in the meantime i made some more research in the XML file generated: it creates two times the workssheet "Technology Products". That leads to the Excel Error.
Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Hi Holger,

A few questions:
1) Can you let us know which view you used? Was it the Essential Launchpad Exporter?
2) Did you click the Technology Products box then the Generate Launchpad File button?
3) We can see your file is called launchpad_export_finance.xml, have you amended the file as we don't recognise that file name - we just want to check?
4) Are you able to share XML file with us privately?


Posts: 15
Joined: 31 May 2023, 20:13

Hi John,
1) i used the Launchpad Spreadsheet export View (Support - Launchpad Spreadsheet Export View)
2) i selected all Views under "Foundation Views"
3) the exported file is called "launchpad_export.xml" i just renamed it.
4) yes, i can share the file privately (tomorrow from the office).
Posts: 15
Joined: 31 May 2023, 20:13

Dear John,
here's the generated export file:
I have manually renamed the second worksheet tab into "Technology Products2"
If needed, i can share privately the repository file too.
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Posts: 486
Joined: 17 Feb 2009, 20:19

Hi Holger,

Closing as requested. Seems like it was a one-off glitch


Posts: 15
Joined: 31 May 2023, 20:13

Hi John,
couldn't reproduce the issue again.
Yes, please close
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