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Import tool failing with python parsing errors

Posted: 21 Jun 2020, 09:19
by JohnWhite

So I can no longer import the LaunchPad xls (the report version generated by essential viewer).

I'm trying to build a new Ubuntu Linux build (this is a clean install), it's currently Ubuntu Server 18.04, JDK 8, MQSQL 5.7, JDBC driver 8, tomcat 9, all the latest Essential installers as of 20/06/2020 (v2.2 of importer). It does the same on Ubuntu 20.04 with MYSQL 8 (rest the same).

Python EssentialGetInstance errors occur. I've downloaded the messages, but can;t attach as this site says invalid extension (.txt?)

If you need to reproduce you can quickly build my build from this script: ... _LinuxCLI/

Re: Import tool failing with python parsing errors

Posted: 22 Jun 2020, 09:35
by jonathan.carter
Hi John,

Thanks for your post.

If you could ZIP up the log files that you mentioned (that the site disallowed you from uploading in raw-form), we can start there to see what's being reported from the EssentialGetInstance() function.

As an aside, MySQL 8 is not supported currently and I would not be surprised if it does not work.

However, it sounds like there's possibly a data issue in your Launchpad spreadsheet. We try to filter out all the non-standard MS characters that cannot be mapped to valid UTF-8 characters but it could be that there is one such that we haven't caught.

Question for you:
Does the Import Utility create a DUP file from your Launchpad source spreadsheet?

If you could share the generated DUP script file (assuming it is being created successfully) as well as the messages from the execution of the script, that will really help.

Put the 2 files in a ZIP, and the forum should allow you to upload that. If you run into any trouble doing that, please feel free to mail them to me directly.

