Multi-User Install using Manual Steps

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Joined: 22 Nov 2013, 14:40

Hi there,

I'm following the instructions at ... tall-guide, and there seems to be a bit of a disconnect between what is documented and what is actually available. I am attempting to configure a multi-user installation of Essential Architecture Manager on Linux where XWindows is not available (Telnet/ssh only).

Note that the above install guide is available by selecting Documentation | Installation from the left-hand-navigation, then scrolling to the bottom of the window for "manual multi-user install". The default/normal multi-user install instructions only seem to mention GUI interaction.

The document refers to "", but there is no such file on the Downloads page. I'm assuming that has now become " ... all4_3.jar"?

The second step of the installation isntructions ask you to unpack the file above... As it is, that JAR is not a valid archive, and is not executable.

The link on the downloads page for GraphViz brings you to, where it clearly states that you MUST use v2.26.3. The problem is that the Linux link further down that page does NOT have any releases of 2.26.x available!

All in all, there is a serious documentation disconnect going on... Can someone point me to the correct document, or packages? As a suggestion, all install guides should mention what version of the repository they target, so readers can evaluate their relevance.

Many thanks!
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Whilst we believe Essential to be fully compatible with Linux, this isn't something we have tested for quite a while. We'll help where we can.

The install file is a Java executable which runs fine on both Windows and OSX. We'll get the documentation updated to reference this.

You may need to make the file executable manually. You can try the following

Code: Select all

$ chmod +x essentialinstall4_3.jar
Regarding the Graphviz version, it seems Graphviz have updated their site. You can find the packages for Linux here...

Graphviz is only required for small handful (about 5-6) views which are particularly graphical in nature (e.g. Process model). Essential uses an open source library called PlantUML which has a dependency on Graphviz. The current supported versions are 2.26.3 and 2.28.
You can find more details here.

If you're version of Linux doesn't have a compatible version then you may be out of luck.

Out of interest... what version of Linux are you running?


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We’ve tried to provide accurate documentation for the most commonly used platforms, most of which include some form of graphical windowing environment.

However, it is possible to run the Essential Installer from the command line and it will follow the same process using a text-based interface. Other members of the community have used this to install on Linux-based servers.

To do so:
  • Download the installer: ‘essentialinstall4_3.jar’
  • Run the installer, using the command:

    Code: Select all

    java -jar essentialinstall_4.3.jar -console

Neil is correct that you need to ensure that the installer is executable using the ‘chmod’ command.

The manual installation documents the process that was followed before we had the wizard-based installer. We’ve kept this as an additional resource to help people who are troubleshooting an installation as it exposes in detail what the installer is doing.

Essential Project Team
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